Unleash the Straight Bacon Secrets: Tips for Perfectly Flat, Crispy Strips

how to make bacon not curl

How to Make Bacon Not Curl: Tips and Techniques for Perfect Slices

Crispy bacon strips

Crispy, flavorful bacon is a beloved breakfast staple, but it can be frustrating when the slices curl up in the pan, making them difficult to cook evenly. Don't worry, with a few simple tricks, you can achieve perfectly flat bacon that cooks evenly and looks appealing on your plate.

1. Choose the Right Bacon

The type of bacon you choose can affect how much it curls. Look for thick-cut bacon with a consistent thickness throughout each slice. Avoid bacon with excessive marbling, as this can cause the slices to curl more.

2. Start with Cold Bacon

Cold bacon slices

Starting with cold bacon will help it cook more evenly and prevent it from curling as much. If your bacon is frozen, thaw it in the refrigerator overnight or under cold running water for about 30 minutes.

3. Preheat Your Pan

Additionally, a preheated pan will help the bacon cook more evenly and prevent it from sticking. Heat your pan over medium heat before adding the bacon slices.

4. Cook Slowly and Evenly

Cooking bacon slices

Patience is key when cooking bacon. Cook the slices slowly over medium heat, flipping them occasionally to ensure even cooking. Avoid high heat, as this can cause the bacon to curl and burn.

5. Use a Bacon Press

Bacon press

If you have one, a bacon press is a great tool for keeping the bacon slices flat while they cook. Place the bacon slices in a single layer in the pan and then place the bacon press on top. The weight of the press will help the bacon cook evenly and prevent it from curling.

6. Cook Bacon in the Oven

Alternatively, you can cook bacon in the oven to prevent curling. Preheat your oven to 400°F (204°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place the bacon slices in a single layer on the prepared baking sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes, or until the bacon is crispy.

7. Trim the Fat

Trimming bacon fat

Excess fat can cause the bacon to curl. Before cooking, use a sharp knife to trim away any excess fat from the edges of the bacon slices. This will help the bacon cook more evenly and reduce curling.

8. Score the Bacon

Scoring the bacon slices before cooking can also help prevent curling. Use a sharp knife to make shallow cuts across the fat side of the bacon slices. This will help the fat render more evenly and prevent the bacon from curling as much.

9. Cook Bacon in a Single Layer

Cooking bacon in a single layer

Overcrowding the pan can cause the bacon to curl and cook unevenly. Make sure to cook the bacon slices in a single layer so that they have enough space to cook evenly.

10. Don't Move the Bacon Too Much

Avoid moving the bacon slices around the pan too much while they are cooking. This can cause the slices to curl and break apart. Use a spatula to gently flip the bacon slices once or twice during the cooking process.


With these simple tips and techniques, you can easily make bacon that doesn't curl. Experiment with different methods to find what works best for you and enjoy perfectly flat, crispy bacon every time.


1. Why does bacon curl?

Bacon curls due to the uneven distribution of fat within the slice. As the fat renders during cooking, it causes the bacon to shrink and curl.

2. How do I prevent bacon from curling in the pan?

To prevent bacon from curling in the pan, start with cold bacon, cook it slowly over medium heat, use a bacon press or cook it in the oven.

3. Can I cook bacon without it curling?

Yes, you can cook bacon without it curling by following the tips and techniques outlined in this article.

4. What is the best way to cook bacon?

The best way to cook bacon is to start with cold bacon, cook it slowly over medium heat, and flip it occasionally. You can cook bacon in a pan, in the oven, or in an air fryer.

5. What are some creative ways to use bacon?

Bacon can be used in a variety of creative ways, such as adding it to salads, pizzas, pasta dishes, and even desserts. It can also be crumbled and used as a topping for soups, stews, and casseroles.

Video How To Cook Bacon Without It Curling